
Young Writers Society

Fangala the Flying Feline

About Fangala the Flying Feline

Ah, yes, flying felines...
So how does a cat attain aerodynamic properties? Well, all you need is a kite, a whole lot of duct tape, and a gargantuan wooden kitchen spoon (I'm not sure if they make those anymore.)

With the duct tape, strap the cat to the kite. Gently place cat in wooden spoon. Note: wooden spoon should be attached to some sort of catapulting mechanism. A giant rubber band works nicely.

Test wind speed. Pull back on wooden spoon until you feel resistence. Then, let her go!

Note: Do not attempt this unless you want to make a cat very, VERY angry at you.

Meow for now!


Writing, art, astrology, Tarot


painting Moon Children (review Faith, hint hint)

May you never steal, lie, or cheat. But if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows. And if you must lie, then lie with me all the nights of your life. And if you must cheat, then please, cheat death.
— An Unknown Bride, Leap Year